Our Sixth Form provides a unique, dynamic and highly personalised experience.
We pride ourselves on offering an inclusive and all-round education, combining academic rigour with extensive opportunities outside the classroom, all delivered by a dedicated team of high-quality professionals, in an environment that is conducive to academic study. Our aim is for our students to grow as uniquely talented individuals and as socially aware global citizens, making the best possible progress both academically and personally.
We offer you a flexible and wide range of options within our broad curriculum and our staff demonstrate a relentless commitment to support you in every way we can, to become self-managing, independent learners with the knowledge, skills and aptitudes to progress to the next stage of your life.
We have formed very good links, both with local employers and universities, in order to offer you high quality, relevant advice and guidance. We engage external speakers to inspire our students, promote debate and broaden horizons. You will be valued, challenged, nurtured and developed within the Sixth Form, and leave our school better prepared to take your next steps within higher education or training, or to enter the world of work.
If you would like to be part of a smaller cohesive Sixth Form that is engaging and enjoyable, and that offers a stunning range of opportunities, then we very much look forward to your application.
Our team is comprised of:
Mr Gavin Martin- Head of Sixth Form
Mrs Zoe Haynes- Librarian and Sixth Form Administrator
Roade Campus
Lisa Crane- 12&13N1 Form Tutor
Jennifer Down- 12&13N2 Form Tutor
Deanshanger Campus
Lisa Crane- 12&13S1 Form Tutor
Glenda Fuller- 12&13S2 Form Tutor
Kafayat Oluwaseyi- 12&13S3 Form Tutor
Please feel free to contact us for any information you require or any questions you have.
Our email format is First Name.Surname@ewsacademy.org.uk