Year 6 into 7 Transition


Moving from primary to secondary school is an exciting, but sometimes scary experience. Here at Elizabeth Woodville School, we aim to make this important transition as stress free as possible.

We’re looking forward to welcoming you in September, but before we do, we’d like to let you know a bit more about the school, what we do and what we believe in. We also want to give you some important information about what to expect when you join the school, to help make your transition here go smoothly. 'Who's who?' 'What's what?' and 'What do I do when?' are the questions that we are often asked, you may also have questions of your own, which we will aim to answer in our booklet below. But if you find that your question hasn't been answered you can use the information here to find out who to ask.

Year 7 Transition booklet


North Campus Induction Evening

Form Tutor Information Evening


Finding your feet have created a resource that reassures people just like you going through the transition from Year 6 to Year 7 that they’re not alone when it comes to their worries about secondary school, that there are ways to cope with change and there are people to talk to when things get difficult.

As part of their 'Finding Your Feet' programme, they went into lots of different schools to talk to Year 6s about moving up to secondary school. They heard lots of similar concerns about getting the bus, meeting new people, scary teachers and leaving friends behind. They also heard from many Year 7s who found that some of the things they were worrying about didn’t happen or weren’t as hard as they thought. They combined these worries and words of advice with a pupil workshop to create these videos.


Transitioning to secondary school can be a difficult time for children. Find Your Feet is about helping children cope with this transition and preparing them for any other changes and challenges they will face in life.  


Rubber chicken's first day at school


Fitting in at school


Making friends at school

Inclusion- your support team

At Elizabeth Woodville School we have an inclusion and pastoral team on both campuses to help with your transition from primary to secondary school.

Our team will be able to support you with any concerns you may have with regards to your learning.

Mr. Perris

SENDCO (South Campus)

This is Mr. Perris and he is based on South Campus. His job is also to help all of our pupils who may need some extra support whilst they are at Elizabeth Woodville School.

You will see him around South Campus a lot, his office is based in Lower College.

For parents, he can be contacted on this email address

Mrs. Wright

SENDCO (North Campus)

This is Mrs. Wright and she is based on North Campus. Her job is also to help all of our pupils who may need some extra support whilst they are in Elizabeth Woodville School.

You will see her around North Campus a lot, her office is based in the Hub.

For parents, she can be contacted on this email address


Things to do over the summer



Smooth Transitions: A Parent's Guide to Navigating Secondary School

The journey from primary to secondary school marks a significant milestone in your child's life, filled with new experiences, challenges, and opportunities for growth. As a parent, your role in supporting and guiding your child through this transition is pivotal. This booklet is designed to provide you with valuable insights, practical scenarios, and supportive strategies to help both you and your child navigate this exciting, sometimes daunting, but ultimately rewarding journey together. Whether you're preparing for this transition or are already in the midst of it, this guide will empower you to foster your child's independence, build resilience, and ensure their success in secondary school and beyond. Let's embark on this journey together and set the foundation for your child's bright future.

Smooth Transitions: A Parent's Guide to Navigating Secondary School