
At EWS we want our students to leave the school having experienced an exciting and knowledgeable carers programme. Our careers programme will ensure that all students will be equipped with the skills, confidence and knowledge to prepare them for life after EWS. Students are encouraged to aspire to be ambitious with a clear direction of their career plan. 

EWS is committed to providing a stable careers programme that is embedded in our PSHE curriculum, tutorial programme as well as additional workshops and drop down days. We have named Personal Development leads (Rebecca Griffin - Assistant Headteacher, Roade and Donovan Pillay - Assistant Headteacher, Deanshanger) who are members of the senior leadership team and have responsibility for the planning and delivery of the careers provision across the school. 

We work with external providers such as Altogether for independent careers advice and guidance and 1:1 interviews and students are given the academic and pastoral support needed for them to reach their full potential. 

Work experience is offered to all Year 10 students and students have a further opportunity in Year 12 to gain further experience.  Careers events are also provided alongside this working with organisations such as Aston Martin and Grace Foundation. 

EWS works with a range of stakeholders and is supported by SEMLEP to ensure that Gatsby benchmarks are fulfilled. 


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