Local Governing Body (LGB)
The following people below ensure the boards educational decisions are effectively implemented within the Academy.
You can view the board members below.
Role | Name | |
Interim Chair | Greg Godwin | greg.godwin@ewsacademy.org.uk |
Parent Governor | Sarah Separovic | sarah.separovic@ewsacademy.org.uk |
Parent Governor | Helen Jones | helen.jones@ewsacademy.org.uk |
Staff Governor | Lindsay Fuller | lindsay.fuller@ewsacademy.org.uk |
Head of School (Roade Campus) | Emma Reed | emma.reed@ewsacademy.org.uk |
Head of School (Deanshanger Campus) | Hannah Jones | hannah.jones@ewsacademy.org.uk |
For further information regarding Tove Learning Trust or our Trustees please click on the link.
The Tove scheme of delegation can be found here
If you are interested in becoming a governor at EWS or would like to contact the Chair then please email daniel.peel@ewsacademy.org.uk or jane.karaolis@ewsacademy.org.uk