Local Governing Body (LGB)

The following people below ensure the boards educational decisions are effectively implemented within the Academy.

You can view the board members below.

Role Name Email
Interim Chair Greg Godwin  greg.godwin@ewsacademy.org.uk 
Parent Governor Sarah Separovic  sarah.separovic@ewsacademy.org.uk
Parent Governor Helen Jones  helen.jones@ewsacademy.org.uk
Staff Governor Lindsay Fuller lindsay.fuller@ewsacademy.org.uk
Head of School (Roade Campus) Emma Reed  emma.reed@ewsacademy.org.uk 
Head of School (Deanshanger Campus) Hannah Jones  hannah.jones@ewsacademy.org.uk


For further information regarding Tove Learning Trust or our Trustees please click on the link.

The Tove scheme of delegation can be found here

If you are interested in becoming a governor at EWS or would like to contact the Chair then please email daniel.peel@ewsacademy.org.uk or jane.karaolis@ewsacademy.org.uk



LGB Attendance 24-25

Register of interests